
Sandwich with Dalisa Bacon and Cheddar sausage


  • Dalisa bacon and cheddar sausages

  • slices of sweet pickle

  • sandwich breads

  • 1/2 cup 

    of mayonnaise

  • 1/2 tablespoon 

    of smoked paprika

  • 8 slices 

    of bacon

  • 1/2 cup 

    of cheddar cheese


  1. Mix the mayonnaise and smoked paprika. Set aside.
  2. Grill bacon and sausages on the BBQ.
  3. Split the sandwich bread. Spread with smoked paprika mayonnaise. Add the grilled sausage, bacon, and pickle. Top with cheese. Serve.
Only the best on your plate.

Only the best on your plate.