The cost of groceries increases every year in Quebec. There are many ways to save money on groceries, starting with planning your grocery list based on the sales in the store flyer and sticking to it. If you follow our Facebook Page, you’ll notice that our products are often on sale at Costco, Maxi, Wal-Mart and IGA.
You may want to buy a large quantity of a certain product because of a great sale, which is a good idea. However, you may find that the expiration date looms too quickly.
Here are a few tips to keep your sausages and other food fresh longer:
Vacuum packing means removing all the air from packaging to keep a product fresh longer. This airtight packaging provides the food with a stable environment free from bacteria that might affect its shelf life.
There are professional-quality tools to vacuum pack raw and cooked foods, but these machines can cost over $100 and take up space in your cupboards. There is a simple, free alternative—using water pressure to remove the air from packaging. All you need is a Ziploc-type freezer bag, a deep container and water.
Here is the procedure:
Once vacuum packed, food can be stored in the fridge for one or two extra days. Vacuum packed bags can also be frozen.
Because vacuum packing removes the air, food in vacuum packed freezer bags will stay fresher in the freezer than food in the original styrofoam and cling wrap packaging. By removing the air, you avoid “freezer burn.”
At home, if you have a freezer with frost, you can keep sausages up to 6 months. In a frost-free freezer, the products won’t keep as long— we recommend a maximum of 3 months due to the ventilation of that type of freezer. After the recommended amount of time has elapsed, frozen sausages will still be safe to eat, but their taste and texture may be altered by too much exposure to cold.
There are two ways to thaw sausages, one quick and one overnight.
See the instruction on video (French only) :